dream big.

I'm Karen Leitner MD.

I'm a primary care doctor (IM/Peds), mother of 3 girls, runner, singer, dog owner and coach for women physicians. 

It wasn't smooth sailing to get here.

After I had my 2nd child and cut to 50% at my practice,  I remember feeling  like I was drowning on all fronts.

Looking back, I was trying to be so much to so many people.

And I was. But I was also incredibly self critical and getting in my own way. 

I thought my job was the problem. So I left. 

I went on to work in pharma, homeless medicine, medical education, urgent care, consulting, and medical patient advocacy.

I also did therapy and started meds for my anxiety (it is so important to destigmatize the mental health needs of physicians).

But none of those things were  as impactful on my happiness and fulfillment as was hiring a life coach to help me.

And then I decided to certify as a coach so I could use what  had learned to help other women do the same. 

I have helped hundreds of women doctors learn these same tools to feel more empowered, confident,  hopeful, and in control in their lives.

I help you negotiate for what you deserve,  set and reinforce boundaries,  keep work from spilling into home life, get those charts done and improve overall efficiency and satisfaction at work.

Not to mention all the ways learning coaching tools helps you outside of work as well. 

 I would love to help you too.

“Karen is 100% invested in helping YOU; you know she is on your team!  Now I’m not always stressed. I now feel amazing! I have so much confidence in all my relationships — most especially the one with myself. The investment is so worth it!”

— Dr. Eleanor B.